eCommerce Package
Standard eCommerce
Responsive and Custom Design
Category + Product Management
Related + Featured + Most Popular Product
Price by Size
Discount Management
Shipping Rate Calculator
Order View + Print+ Invoice Management
1 Payment Gateway
English Language Integration
Meta Data Management
3rd Party Live Chat Free

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Silver eCommerce
Responsive and Custom Design
Category + Product Management
Related + Featured + Most Popular Product
Price by Size
Discount Management
Shipping Rate Calculator
Order View + Print+ Invoice Management
1 Payment Gateway
Bulk Upload + Download (XLS)
2 Language website Integration
Meta Data Management
3rd Party Live Chat Free

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Gold eCommerce
Responsive and Custom Design
Category + Product Management
Related + Featured + Most Popular Product
Price by Size
Discount Management
Shipping Rate Calculator
Shipping API Integration
Order View + Print+ Invoice Management
2 Payment Gateway
Bulk Upload + Download (XLS)
2 Language website Integration
Social Media Logins
Meta Data Management
3rd Party Live Chat Free

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